Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is a good value for batch_size?

In order to achieve better fitting performance large batch_size (i.e. 100 or 1000) is recommended. If batch_size_reduction=True (default option), then automatic batch size reduction will happen and you could start from initial large batch_size value.

My fit on GPU crushes with OOM error, what to do ?

This means that you are trying to fit at once too much data into the GPU memory. The amount of data processed by GPU at once is controlled by batch_size parameter, try to reduce it or set batch_size_reduction=True. An optimal value for this parameter is totally empirical as it depends on data, potential configuration and GPU itself.

Can I toggle between CPU and GPU when starting pacemaker?

If you have GPU configured on your machine it will be used by default. You can have additional control over GPU configuration via input.yaml::backend::gpu_config:

  gpu_config: {gpu_ind: <int>, mem_limit: <int>}
  • gpu_ind: index of the GPU you want to use for fitting. This need to be specified in case your machine has multiple GPUs (multi GPU fitting is not supported at the moment). Set this parameter to -1 to disable GPU utilization. Default is 0.

  • mem_limit: maximum amount of GPU memory in MB that is allowed to be used by fitting process. Default is 0 which allows to consume the whole available memory.
    NOTE: memory reserved by the fitting process is not available to anything else. Therefore, it’s recommended to set this restriction if you also use the same machine for processes requiring GUI.

I dont have a GPU. Should I use backend, evaluator= tensorpotential or pyace?

It is recommended to use tensorpotential evaluator for fitting anyways. Even without GPU acceleration non-linear optimization greatly benefits from autogradients provided by TensorFlow.

How to continue fitting ?

Fitting an ACE potential can be continued or restarted from any .yaml potential file produced previously.
If you want to continue fit without changing the basis size, you can do the following:

  • Provide the path to the starting potential in corresponding field in the input.yaml file .. code-block:: yaml

    potential: /path/to/your/potential.yaml

  • or provide this path through the command line interface .. code-block:: text

    pacemaker input.yaml -p /path/to/your/potential.yaml

    doing this will override specifications in the input.yaml.

If you want to extend the basis (aka do the ladder scheme fitting):

  • Specify your potential as initial potential .. code-block:: yaml


    … initial_potential: /path/to/your/potential.yaml …

    • or use the CLI: .. code-block:: text

      pacemaker input.yaml -ip /path/to/your/potential.yaml

I want to preserve the “shape” of potential, but refit it from scratch


  filename: /path/to/your/potential.yaml
  reset: true

It will reset potential from potential.yaml, i.e. set radial coefficients to delta_nk and B-basis function coefficients to zero.

My potential behaves unphysical at short distances, how to fix it?

If training data lacks data at shorter distances, expected repulsive behaviour is not always reproduced. In order to avoid it, you should use core-repulsion potential when you define the potential in input.yaml which replaces ACE potential with an exponential repulsion:

## input.yaml

    ALL: {
      # core repulsion parameters
      rho_core_cut: 5,
      drho_core_cut: 5

    ALL: {
      ## inner cutoff, applied in a range [r_in - delta_in, r_in]
      r_in: 2.3, # distance, below which the core repulsion start
      delta_in: 0.1,

      ## core-repulsion parameters `prefactor` and `lambda` in
      ## prefactor*exp(-lambda*r^2)/r, >0 only r<r_in+delta_in
      core-repulsion: [1e3, 1.0],

If you did not specify it before the fit, you still could add it after with Python API:

from pyace import *

bbasisconf = BBasisConfiguration("original_potential.yaml")

for block in bbasisconf.funcspecs_blocks:
    block.r_in = 2.3 # minimal interatomic distance in dataset
    block.delta_in = 0.1
    block.core_rep_parameters=[1e3, 1.0]
    block.rho_cut = block.drho_cut = 5"tuned_potential.yaml")

or by manually changing corresponding parameters in original_potential.yaml file.

NOTE However, it is strongly recommended to add more data, that describe the behaviour ar short distances rather than relying on the core repulsion completely.

How to split train/test data for the fitting?

Just use test_size keyword in input.yaml::data:

  test_size: 0.1 # for 10% of data used for testing

Alternatively, you can provide train and test datasets separately:

  filename: /path/to/train_data.pckl.gzip
  test_filename: /path/to/test_data.pckl.gzip

I want to change the cutoff, what should I do ?

If you decrease the cutoff, i.e. from rcut: 7 to rcut: 6.5, then no neighbours will be lost, and you could continue to use the dataset, but it would be less computational efficient.

If you increase the cutoff, then it is necessary to rebuild the neighbour lists by adding --rebuild option to pacemaker, i.e.

pacemaker … –rebuild

How better to organize my dataset files ?

It is recommended to store all dataset files (i.e. df*.pckl.gzip) in one folder and specify the environment variable $PACEMAKERDATAPATH (exectue it in terminal or add to for example .bashrc)

export PACEMAKERDATAPATH=/path/to/my/datases/files

What are good values for regularization parameters ?

Ideally, one would prefer avoid using regularizations and would use additional data instead. When this is not possible, it is recommended that relative contribution of the regularization terms into the total loss do not exceed a few percents. So, regularization parameters of order 1e-5 ~ 1e-8 are good initial values, but check their relative contribution in detailed statistics, printed every input.yaml::backed::display_step step.

How to fit only certain part of the potential, i.e. binary interaction only ?

If you have already fitted potential Al.yaml and Ni.yaml and would like to create a binary potential by fitting to binary data, i.e. AlNi structures, then in input.yaml::potential you could provide only binary interaction parts:

  deltaSplineBins: 0.001,
  elements: [Al, Ni],
  bonds: {
        BINARY: {
            rcut': 6.2,
            dcut': 0.01,
            core-repulsion': [0.0, 5.0],
            radbase': ChebExpCos,
            radparameters': [5.25]
  functions: {
      BINARY: {
        nradmax_by_orders:  [5, 2, 2, 1],
        lmax_by_orders: [0, 2, 2, 1],

  ## provide list of initial potentials
  initial_potential: [Al.yaml, Ni.yaml]

and in input.yaml::fit you add

  trainable_parameters: BINARY

I see different metrics text files during the fit, what is it ?

All metrics files contain values of loss function (loss), its energy/forces contributions (e_loss_contrib, f_loss_contrib), regularization contributions (reg_loss) and also root mean squared error (RMSE)/ mean absolute error (MAE) (rmse_*, mae*) of energies (rmse_epa,mae_epa) and forces (norm of error vector *rmse_f* and per-component *mae_f*comp*) for whole dataset as well as for structures within 1eV/atom above minumum (low***).
metrics.txt and test_metrics.txt are update every train/test step, whereas ladder_metrics.txt/test_ladder_metrics.txt are updated after each ladder step and cycle_metrics.txt/test_cycle_metrics.txt are updated after each cycle on ladder step.

Optimization stops too early due to too small updates, but I want to run it longer…

You need to decrease certain tolerance parameters for corresponding minimization algorithm. For example, for BFGS, there is gtol: 1e-5 default parameter, that you could decrease in input.yaml

  options: {gtol: 5e-7}

How to create a custom weights dataframe for ExternalWeightingPolicy?

How to add more weights to certain structures ?

How to run on-the-fly validation of the potential ?